A park at the North station of Brussels.
Hundreds of tents, housing about 800 refugees, was put up by two groups of activists, themselves often 'sans papiers', people without official papers, illegal in Belgium.
With all the refugees coming to Europe, demanding asylum at the offices of Fedasil in Brussels, the shortage of about everything was partly solved by the camp, and gifts of civilians.
A park with tents looks like a camping, but walking around here in the rain, sometimes protecting my camera with a plastic bag I found, made me feel the utter despair most of these people are in. Some walked on slippers through the mud, many tents were soaked, as were the sleepingbags, blankets, and the few clothes they have.
New arrivals at the camp.
water is provided, so people can wash themselves in the open air.
A man brought his wife dinner in their tent.
A soaked bear, is drying on a tent.
A man hides for the rain in his tent. A blanket with a Dutch poem on it, supposed to dry in the sun, is being soaked again, by this next shower. The poem says: O eveningsun...

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